First Glyph Workshop for MayasPrimer Taller de Lectura de Glifos Para Mayas

We, the board of FoM, believe that we are carrying forward the ground-breaking work and legacy of Linda Schele and Kathryn Josserand, both now deceased, and Nicholas Hopkins (a current FoM board member), who gave the very first glyph workshop for Mayan-speaking participants some 23 years ago (please see our History link on our web site http:/ Nick Hopkins recently forwarded to me a copy of the original cover sheet of that workbook, which I am posting here for its historic interest.A los miembros del Consejo Directivo de Amigos de los Mayas nos gusta pensar que somos los herederos y continuadores de la innovadora labor y del legado de Linda Schele y Kathryn Joserrand, ambas finadas, así como de Nicholas Hopkins (quien es miembro de este Consejo), quienes impartieron el primer taller de lectura de glifos a hablantes de lenguas mayas hace unos 23 años (favor de consultar nuestro vínculo de Historia en el sitio de internet Hace poco, Nick Hopkins me envió una copia de la portada original del cuaderno de trabajo que se empleó en aquel primer taller, misma que muestro aquí por su interés histórico. Continue reading

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News item,

We at FoM want to brag that three of our own were picked as representatives to attend this government-sponsored program to finalize the way Mayan of the Yucatán Peninsula is written in contemporary times. We got this letter from Patricia Martinez Huchim last year. She mentions that she, Crisanto and Yolanda (one or our newest colleagues, from Campeche) were all in attendance.

Here is Pati’s letter, loosely translated to English.Noticia

En Amigos de los Mayas queremos presumir que tres miembros de nuestra organización fueron seleccionados para participar en este programa patrocinado gubernamental, que busca establecer la forma en que la lengua maya de la península de Yucatán debe escribirse en la época contemporánea. El año pasado, recibimos la carta que sigue de Patricia Martínez Huchim. En ella, Patricia menciona que ella Crisanto y Yolanda (una de nuestras más recientes colegas, que proviene de Campeche) asistieron al programa. Continue reading

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Information on glyph workshopsInformación sobre talleres

Dear Friends of the Maya supporters.

I recently came across this old correspondence from our colleague Antonio Cuxil, and even though it is two years old, I think is important to publish it on our newsletter/blog because it reflects the hard work and successes of Antonio, Lolmay, and Hector, three or our FoM colleagues who are spreading the word on reading glyphs in the Mayan-speaking communities.

Bruce Love

Queridos simpatizantes de Amigos de los Mayas:

Recientemente volví a encontrar la siguiente correspondencia, ya antigua, de nuestro colega Antonio Cuxil y, aunque es de hace dos años, me pareció importante publicarla en nuestro boletín/blog, pues da testimonio de la seriedad del trabajo y de los éxitos que han cosechado Antonio, Lolmay y Héctor, tres de nuestros colegas de Amigos de los Mayas que están difundiendo la lectura de los glifos entre las comunidades hablantes de las diferentes lenguas mayas.

Bruce Love Continue reading

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PLFM WeekendFin de Semana PLFM

Bruce Love, Antigua, Guatemala March 22, 2010

Rarely does a single event transform a field. Such an event was the PLFM workshop held March 20-21, 2010 in Antigua, Guatemala. More than fifty teachers, cultural activists, and spiritual leaders representing more than ten Mayan language groups met for a weekend of learning, teaching and sharing, all centered around the ancient Maya calendar, writing and art.Bruce Love, Antigua, Guatemala, 22 de Marzo de 2010

Pocas veces ocurre que un solo acontecimiento sea capaz de transformar todo un campo. Pero eso es lo que ocurrió en el taller del Proyecto Lingüístico Francisco Marroquín (PLFM) celebrado los días 20 y 21 de Marzo de 2010 en la ciudad de Antigua, Guatemala. Más de cincuenta maestros, activistas culturales y líderes espirituales provenientes de más de diez grupos lingüísticos mayas se dieron cita durante un fin de semana para aprender, enseñar y compartir, todo ello en torno del calendario, la escritura y el arte de los antiguos mayas. Continue reading

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Maya colleagues at the Antigua meetings

As many of you know, the Texas Maya Meetings moved to Antigua this year, to begin alternating annually between Antigua and Austin. Eleven of our thirteen colleagues were able to come, along with a delegation from the Yucatan public education system.


Nick Hopkins, board member and linguist/anthropologist, attended the advanced glyph group along with Crisanto Kumul, Romelia Mo and Iyaxel Cojti. It is truly wonderful to see Nick back in the workshop-with-Mayan-speakers setting, all these years after he and his wife Kathryn actually started glyph workshops for Mayas back in the 1980s.(please see Acerca de MAM)As many of you know, the Texas Maya Meetings moved to Antigua this year, to begin alternating annually between Antigua and Austin. Eleven of our thirteen colleagues were able to come, along with a delegation from the Yucatan public education system.

Nick Hopkins, board member and linguist/anthropologist, attended the advanced glyph group along with Crisanto Kumul, Romelia Mo and Iyaxel Cojti. It is truly wonderful to see Nick back in the workshop-with-Mayan-speakers setting, all these years after he and his wife Kathryn actually started glyph workshops for Mayas back in the 1980s.(please see Acerca de MAM) Continue reading

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Workshop In Chichicastenango, March 27, 2008

Iyaxel was a huge hit, not only because she is an animated, charismatic speaker, but because she was talking to her own people, K’iche’ youth in the school where she grew up.

Iyaxel was a huge hit, not only because she is an animated, charismatic speaker, but because she was talking to her own people, K’iche’ youth in the school where she grew up. Continue reading

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Ongoing Activities of Some Maya Colleagues(Repost)

Original post at November 20, 2009

Raquel Macario reports that as a direct result of her attendance at the Texas Maya Meetings, she was able to initiate certain activities and to share what she has learned regarding Maya history.Original post at November 20, 2009

Raquel Macario reports that as a direct result of her attendance at the Texas Maya Meetings, she was able to initiate certain activities and to share what she has learned regarding Maya history. Continue reading

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Workshop In Chamelco, Coban, Alta Verapaz

FOM colleague Sebastian Si Pop organized a special meeting of Q’eqchi’ school teachers and other professionals, held on Sunday morning March 30, 2008, in San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz. The three-hour presentation covered a basic introduction to Maya prehistory, including the long count, 365-day haab and 260-day divinatory cycle. Some of the local day-keepers that Sebastian invited could not attend because they were busy PERFORMING WAYEB CEREMONIES AT NEARBY SACRED PLACES!FOM colleague Sebastian Si Pop organized a special meeting of Q’eqchi’ school teachers and other professionals, held on Sunday morning March 30, 2008, in San Juan Chamelco, Alta Verapaz. The three-hour presentation covered a basic introduction to Maya prehistory, including the long count, 365-day haab and 260-day divinatory cycle. Some of the local day-keepers that Sebastian invited could not attend because they were busy PERFORMING WAYEB CEREMONIES AT NEARBY SACRED PLACES! Continue reading

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