One of the great joys of this current trip was to witness a workshop done completely in the Maya language. It was held in Yaxunah, Yucatán. (Not at the archaeological site, but in the town).
One of the great joys of this current trip was to witness a workshop done completely in the Maya language. It was held in Yaxunah, Yucatán. (Not at the archaeological site, but in the town).
Having just published our memorial blog to last year’s congreso in Yucatán, we are now extremely happy to announce our plans for the 2014 congreso in Ocosingo, Chiapas.
Habiendo recientemente publicado nuestro blog en celebración del primer aniversario del Congreso del año pasado, que tuvo lugar en Yucatán, nos complace mucho anunciar ahora nuestros planes para el Congreso 2014, en Ocosingo, Chiapas.