2 Ajaw 13 K’ayab. Drawing by Jorge Pérez de Lara
We are happy to report the nineteen recipients of this year’s Mini-grants! We have some new grantees this year, along with some excellent grantees who have been awarded mini-grants in the past. Both the Pre-Congresos and last year’s Congreso have clearly generated a great deal of new interest in Chiapas and Western Guatemala, and it is wonderful to see the energy and momentum expanding to these areas! Together with the Maya Exploration Center, I will be facilitating another workshop in Belize this summer, and we look forward to working together once again.
We are very proud to have been able to award so many mini-grants to the following twenty–one Maya colleages, speaking ten different languages in the Guatemala, Belize, Yucatan, and Chiapas:
2 Ajaw 13 K’ayab. Dibujo por Jorge Pérez de Lara
¡Nos complace informar a los diecinueve beneficiarios de las mini-becas de este año! Tenemos algunos nuevos beneficiarios este año, junto con algunos excelentes beneficiarios que han recibido mini-becas en el pasado. Tanto el Pre-Congresos como el Congreso del año pasado han generado claramente un gran interés en Chiapas y el oeste de Guatemala, ¡y es maravilloso ver cómo la energía y el impulso se expanden a estas áreas! Además, junto con el Centro de Exploración Maya, estaré facilitando otro taller en Belice este verano, y esperamos trabajar juntos una vez más.
Estamos muy orgullosos de haber podido otorgar tantos min-becas a los siguientes veintiún colegas mayas, que hablan diez idiomas diferentes en Guatemala, Belice, Yucatán y Chiapas:
Leonel Pacay Rax
Cobán, Alta Verapaz Guatemala: Q’eqchi.
Mario Sebastián Caal Jucub, Marina Rosales López, and Sebastián Si Pop
Cobán, Guatemala, Q’eqchi’.
Edy Lopez Castillo
Jacaltenango, Guatemala: Popti’.
Pedro Alejandro Vasquez Tay
El Pinal Uspantan Quiché, Guatemala: Uspanteka.
Ana Lucia Perez Sebaquijay
Santa María Cauqué, Sacatepequez, Guatemala: Kaqchikel.
Hector Rolando Xol
Malacatancito, Huehuetenango, Guatemala: K’iche’.
Ernesto Saqui and the Belize Team
San Ignacio, Belize: Mopan, Q’eqchi’, Yucatec.
Yucatán Peninsula, México:
Omar Chan
José María Morelos, Quintana Roo, México: Yucatec.
Milner Rolando Pacab Alcocer
San Camilo, Kanasin, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Daniela Esther Cano Chan
Tipikal, Mani, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Esther Poot Cahum
Tihosuco, Quintana Roo, México: Yucatec.
Gloria Nayeli Tun Tuz
Chichimila, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Iván de Jesús Jiménez Balam
Tekum, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Chiapas, Mexico:
Martin Gomez Ramirez
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México: Tzeltal, Tzotzil.
Silvia Maribel Sántiz Méndez
San Antonio Balaxilna, Huixtán, Chiapas, México: Tzotzil.
Ana Guadalupe de la Torre Sánchez
Zinacantan, Chiapas, México: Tzotzil.
Hermelinda Gómez López
Rafael Ramírez, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
K’anal Ajpub, Maria Bertha Santiz Perez
Saltillo, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
Avenamar López Gómez
Francisco Indalecio Madero, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
We look forward to hearing more from all of our grantees in the coming months, and reporting back to you on the progress of the many workshops that will be taking place throughout the Mundo Maya.
I would like to issue a correction from our previous blog, in that the tentative date proposed for next year’s Congreso in Quintana Roo remains tentative at present, in that it has not yet been finalized by the entire planning committee. I apologize that I was a bit too excited to assert that it would fall on the day 1 Ajaw, but we will wait to see what the entire committee decides. We want to be sure that this is something that the whole committee wants.
At present, it is very exciting to see the coordination happening between our Maya colleagues that are working in across three different countries toward a shared vision of the Maya Tz’iib’. There is an emphasis on learning the writing system of their ancestors, not to be “epigraphers” in the sense of how outsiders study Maya writing, but to be true Aj Tz’iib’ob’—artists, writers and painters in their own languages and cultures. There is now a concerted effort to have two representatives in the planning committee from each of five different Maya areas: Chiapas, Yucatan, Western Guatemala, Eastern Guatemala, and Belize. We are happy to support these efforts in whatever way we can be useful to promote dialogue and cooperation, while also knowing when to step out of the way and simply support the incredible work of our Maya colleagues as we all grow and change, working together toward our collective goals. May it bear much fruit in the future.
This is truly a record season for mini-grants. Thank you to all of our generous donors for making this possible!
Yum Bo’otik, Maltyox, Bantiox, Nich’an tiox, Ts’acatal, y Wakolowal ta a pisilik!
Thank you to Everyone!
Michael J. Grofe, President
Leonel Pacay Rax
Cobán, Alta Verapaz Guatemala: Q’eqchi.
Mario Sebastián Caal Jucub, Marina Rosales López, and Sebastián Si Pop
Cobán, Guatemala, Q’eqchi’.
Edy Lopez Castillo
Jacaltenango, Guatemala: Popti’.
Pedro Alejandro Vasquez Tay
El Pinal Uspantan Quiché, Guatemala: Uspanteka.
Ana Lucia Perez Sebaquijay
Santa María Cauqué, Sacatepequez, Guatemala: Kaqchikel.
Hector Rolando Xol
Malacatancito, Huehuetenango, Guatemala: K’iche’.
Ernesto Saqui and the Belize Team
San Ignacio, Belize: Mopan, Q’eqchi’, Yucatec.
Península de Yucatan, México:
Omar Chan
José María Morelos, Quintana Roo, México: Yucatec.
Milner Rolando Pacab Alcocer
San Camilo, Kanasin, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Daniela Esther Cano Chan
Tipikal, Mani, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Esther Poot Cahum
Tihosuco, Quintana Roo, México: Yucatec.
Gloria Nayeli Tun Tuz
Chichimila, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Iván de Jesús Jiménez Balam
Tekum, Yucatan, México: Yucatec.
Chiapas, Mexico:
Martin Gomez Ramirez
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México: Tzeltal, Tzotzil.
Silvia Maribel Sántiz Méndez
San Antonio Balaxilna, Huixtán, Chiapas, México: Tzotzil.
Ana Guadalupe de la Torre Sánchez
Zinacantan, Chiapas, México: Tzotzil.
Hermelinda Gómez López
Rafael Ramírez, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
K’anal Ajpub, Maria Bertha Santiz Perez
Saltillo, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
Avenamar López Gómez
Francisco Indalecio Madero, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México: Tojolabal.
Esperamos recibir más información de todos nuestros beneficiarios en los próximos meses e informarle sobre el progreso de los muchos talleres que se llevarán a cabo en todo el Mundo Maya.
Me gustaría emitir una corrección de nuestro blog anterior. La fecha tentativa propuesta para el Congreso del próximo año en Quintana Roo sigue siendo tentativa en la actualidad, ya que aún no ha sido finalizada por todo el comité de planificación. Pido disculpas por estar un poco emocionado de afirmar que caería el día 1 Ajaw, pero esperaremos a ver qué decide todo el comité. Queremos estar seguros de que esto es algo que todos los miembros del comité quieren.
Esta es verdaderamente una temporada récord para mini-subvenciones. ¡Gracias a todos nuestros generosos donantes por hacer esto posible!
Yum Bo’otik, Maltyox, Bantiox, Nich’an tiox, Ts’acatal, y Wakolowal ta a pisilik!
¡Gracias a todos!
Michael J. Grofe, Presidente
Congratulations, MAM. This is fantastic! It is a delight to see so many familiar names on the list of grantees. And it is even more exciting to see so many new colleagues. This bodes well for the newest generation of Aj Tz’iib’ob’.
Dear MAM board,
As former president of MAM, I can’t tell you how good your latest blog makes be feel, a true warmth and appreciation at depth for the ongoing work throughout the Maya world. I especially like Dr. Grofe’s line about getting out of the way and watching the Mayas shape their own practice of glyph studies, not the epigraphic academic version but the true indigenous scribal practice that combines art and language to produce Maya dzib. Beautifully put!
Ich’a spatibal awot’anik!, Reciban un saludo hacia sus corazones! quisiera saber como participar en las minibecas, soy un participante del congreso que se realizó el pasado 2018. gracias